Baby Tox
Author: Abby Picicci, RN | Injector - Billings, MT
“But you’re only 25, you don’t even have wrinkles” Yes I have heard it all, but you don’t get the flu vaccine after you have had the flu, do you? It’s called preventative care, and any health care professional will tell you that it is key. Skin aging happens in stages, starting with loss of volume due to diminished collagen, hyaluronic acid and elastin. This gradual loss in areas of the facia that are occupied by hyperdynamic musculature contributes to the formation of fine lines and wrinkles.
These lines begin as ‘dynamic lines’ which are visible during active facial expressions (smiling, frowning, laughing, eyebrow raising). As our skin ages, dynamic lines’ become ‘static lines’ which are present with or without expression, due to the loss of collagen, HA and elastin. The earlier a patient starts Neuromodulator (tox) treatments, the less likely they are to form those static lines that are associated with fast aging.
Neuromodulators work by blocking signals from nerves trying to tell the muscles to contract. These blocked signals inhibit the muscle contraction which results in softened and relaxed wrinkles/fine lines. Wrinkles form due to the repeated movement of skin caused my muscle contraction. Starting a neuromodulator injections (tox) process early helps to reduce formation of fine lines and prevents the formation of wrinkles.
Remember: these treatments are NOT a sprint. It is a marathon that includes small treatments with touchups/maintenance over time. Slow and steady wins the race with neuromodulator injections.
Reference: Botulinum Toxin Procedures by Rebecca Small, Dalano Hoang